
Frost Radar: Email Security Report - The Findings

Goran Lepan
May 18, 2021


Frost & Sullivan has recently released its 2021 Frost Radar: Email Security report, where its findings provide a benchmarking framework to help businesses protect their email from cyber threats.

Email has long been a primary threat vector for cyberattacks. However, with the rise in remote working and an ever-growing mobile workforce, our reliance on email as a critical communication tool is greater than ever. Frost & Sullivan’s report dives into the latest trends in email-based attacks, cloud security and cyber security security vendors. We’ve pulled out the key insights and trends to help you secure your email ecosystem.


As we’ve touched on, email remains the number one threat vector when it comes to cyberattacks. It is the most commonly used business communication tool, a trend which has been fast-tracked by the rapid surge in remote working. As a result, this makes it a key target to our adversaries. The more businesses rely on email, the more cybercriminals use it as a route to deliver malware, ransomware, and other sophisticated attacks.

Over the last few years, email-borne attacks have grown in terms of volume and complexity. Business Email Compromise (BEC) and Email Account Compromise (EAC) attacks are all too common, as hackers infiltrate our businesses and impersonate trusted sources. In fact, modern email attacks are often focused far more on people than systems, rendering traditional security ineffective. Innovative impersonation tactics and combined attacks with cloud and social media accounts frequently evade defences.

Email attacks are highly targeted and prey on the weaknesses of human nature. The COVID-19 pandemic is a prime example where fear and uncertainty have been leveraged with malicious intent. Ultimately, as more of our employees work from home, operate remotely, and use cloud services, the need for secure email has never been stronger.


The acceleration of organisations migrating to the cloud is one of the biggest drivers for the growth in the email security market. To facilitate new ways of working and become more mobile and flexible, businesses are adopting cloud-based mailbox services and migrating on-premises servers to the cloud. Whilst cloud email products, such as Microsoft Office 365 and Google Workspace, may provide many business benefits, they also create new email security risks. Although they have some native security features, there are numerous gaps that leave organisations vulnerable.

In response to this risk, security vendors are introducing new solutions. Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting and Conformance (DMARC), behavioural analysis and threat intelligence, among other security solutions, providing deeper protection. However, leading vendors aren’t just providing new features; they are ensuring that they integrate with other security solutions and augment Office 365 and other cloud email services.


As we adopt new technologies, we create new vulnerabilities. Today’s sophisticated attacks need to be countered with advanced threat detection tools and the protection of both inbound and outbound emails. Moreover, to enable businesses to gain operational efficiencies alongside more comprehensive security, email security needs to integrate with other solutions.

There is certainly no shortage of email security vendors as a result of increasingly sophisticated attacks, a rising number of remote workers and growing cloud dependence. In fact, the email security market is predicted to grow at a 10.9% Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) from 2020 to 2025. From a field of over 34 global industry participants, Frost & Sullivan plotted the top 12 companies based on parameters such as innovation, research, strategy, and growth. Those plotted on the Frost Radar are predicted to be instrumental in advancing the industry against future threats.

Agari is highlighted in the report for its offering. The company’s vision and strategy to create identity-centric email security solutions for inbound email has proved invaluable in response to the rise in phishing and BEC attacks. Meanwhile, Agari’s identity-centric machine learning model allows a more accurate risk score to be developed for good and bad behaviours.


As the bring your own device (BYOD) and work from home (WFH) trends drive the need for cloud-based email services, businesses need to ensure they have secured their email ecosystems. By choosing an integrated email security solution that connects the dots between cloud and email, you can gain efficiencies and bolster your defences.

To find out more about the Frost Radar, download the report. Or, if you’d like to learn about Agari’s features and functions, contact the Infotrust team today.