
What Are The Most Common Types of Cyber Security Attacks?

Sumit Singh
October 24, 2023


In a digital era where the dependence on interconnected networks and systems is pervasive, cyber security threats have emerged as a pernicious and ever-evolving challenge. The globalisation of technology has been beneficial for many, but it has also exposed businesses and individuals to an expansive array of cyber risks.

To be one step ahead, it's crucial to understand what are the most common types of cyber security attacks that we all could face. At Infotrust, we consider it our duty to equip you with the requisite knowledge and services to fortify your digital presence.


Let's begin with the most prevalent of all: phishing attacks. Here, the attacker impersonates a trustworthy entity to deceive victims into revealing personal information or installing malware. These emails or messages often appear legitimate, sometimes borrowing the logos and styles of familiar organisations.

To combat phishing and turn your employees into a human firewall, investing in Awareness Training can make a world of difference.

Investing in an AI-Based Behavioural Anomaly Detection Solution will also improve your email security. By learning normal behaviour and patterns, this solution can detect emails originating from harmful sources. Emails are examined for suspicious patterns of text, tones, and all malicious links and unfamiliar IP addresses or locations.


Next, we delve into the realm of malicious software – commonly known as Malware. Variants like viruses, worms, and Trojans infiltrate systems to compromise data, destroy files, or execute nefarious tasks. Ransomware is a subtype of malware that locks your system and demands a ransom to unlock it.

To mitigate as much damage as possible from these debilitating attacks, you'll need a robust Incident Response plan that includes real-time monitoring, quick identification, and immediate action.


MitM attacks typically occur during active data transmissions. The attacker intercepts the communication between the sender and the recipient, potentially altering the data before it reaches its destination. Such attacks can be dangerous, especially in financial or data-sensitive operations.

Using Multi Factor Authentication, patching software and hardware, and securing your endpoints all can help with identify and remediating this malicious attack.


Structured Query Language (SQL) Injection involves the exploitation of vulnerabilities in an application's software by manipulating SQL queries. This can lead to unauthorised access to databases, allowing attackers to view, modify or delete data.

To identify software vulnerabilities before they can be exploited, Penetration Testing is an invaluable exercise.


DDoS attacks overload a network with traffic to render it inaccessible. While this does not inherently compromise data, the impact on service availability can be damaging both reputationally and financially. A strategic approach to network security can drastically minimise the risks associated with DDoS attacks.


Zero-day exploits are attacks that target undisclosed vulnerabilities in software or hardware. These vulnerabilities are often not known to the vendor, making them especially potent and damaging.

Your best defence against these attacks is a security partner that stays ahead of the curve, continuously updating and improving your protective measures as new vulnerabilities are discovered. That’s where we come in.


In conclusion, understanding what are the most common types of cyber security attacks can significantly reduce the potential risks your organisation may face. Cyber security is not a one-time setup, but a continual process of adaptation and evolution. That's where Infotrust comes into play; providing comprehensive cyber security solutions that stand up to the dynamic and evolving landscape of cyber threats.

For a more detailed, tailored approach to your organisation’s security, feel free to contact us. Our range of services, from  Consulting and Advisory, Incident Response and Awareness Training to Penetration Testing are designed to provide a 360-degree defence against all forms of cyber threats.

In a world where the cyber landscape is continuously shifting, partnering with Infotrust ensures that you're always prepared, and always protected.